In frame of the Bulgarian-Hungarian Academic Exchange Program, a research seminar took place in the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography (NIGGG) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, on 12th of June 2023. Colleagues of the Bulgarian Institute, Boris Kazakov, Aleksandra Ravnachka and Dessislava Poleganova presented the journal article “Suburbanisation Processes in Second Tier Cities in Bulgaria – Demographic, Socio-Economic, and Spatial Transformation of the Agglomeration Areas – A Case Study of Plovdiv and Burgas” written in cooperation with two Hungarian colleagues of the CERS Institute for Regional Studies, Tamás Hardi and Szilárd Rácz. Our institution was represented on-site by Melinda Hajdu-Smahó, she held a presentation about the possible impacts of autonomous vehicles in future cities, emphasising the suburbanisation aspects.